Variable resistor is adjusted so that the reading of my AC voltmeter Software side of things, the difference between the code for PIC16F676Īnd PIC16F684 is just one line. So, I just used the pin-compatible PIC16F684. However I realized that I didn't have any The RMS voltage for a sine wave is equal to 0.707 (to 3 OfĬourse this had to be scaled down to a safe range for the All I had to do was toĬonvert the mains AC to DC, filter it and measure the peak voltage. Was working on (based on the PIC32MX250F128B - more on this later), Iĭidn't need to do any 'true RMS' measurement. The mains AC voltage and the output voltage of the sine wave inverter I That I felt I could just get done with in a day or two.Ĭoncept is fairly straight forward. Going back to electronics, this was a neat simple yet useful circuit I had long been thinking of designing a simple AC voltmeter but had